Monday 30 December 2013

Epididymitis Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Remedy

Epididymitis Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Remedy

Epdiical is the herbal product which can be used for the treatment of Epididymitis. Epididymis is the coiled tube structure present behind the testicles. It is the primary site for sperm maturation and responsible for the passage of sperm from the testicle to vas deferens. The pain or discomfort in epididymis is called epididymitis which can be acute or chronic. Acute (immediate) disease is characterized by inflammation, warmth in scrotum, redness and pain. Its onset is sudden and symptoms can be subsided with proper use of medication. While chronic form of disease is long standing whose onset is gradual with pain as the only Epididymitis Symptoms. The symptoms of chronic form can be improved with treatment but it usually can’t be eradicated completely.

Epididymitis Causes :

The most common acute epididymitis causes is bacterial infection of urinary tract. In children the primary site of infection is bladder and kidney, normally associated with abnormalities at the time of birth, pre-disposing the child to urinary tract infections. The primary organisms responsible for Epididymal Cyst Symptoms in sexually active males are Neisseria gonorrheae and Chlamydia trachomatis. This infection mainly initiates in urethra causing urethritis. In older men, above the age of 40 years, the main epididymitis cause is urinary tract infection as well. Other causes include obstruction of bladder due to prostate enlargement, partial urethral blockage, bacterial prostatitis and resent catheterization. Hematogenous spread of the infection is rare but this path is adopted by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In any of the above mentioned cases, the primary infection may remain silent and epididymitis be the only clinically detectable symptom.

Non infectious Epididymitis is caused by back flow of sterile urine due to heavy lifting and a drug amiodarone, use to prevent abnormal heart rhythms, can also be responsible for it.

Chronic Epididymitis is caused due to repeated episodes of acute phase. It can also be caused without any history of acute Orchitis and Epididymitis, the etiology of this chronic form of disease is unknown.

The predisposing factors of the disease include:

  • Being uncircumcised
  • Recent surgery
  • Constant use of urethral catheter
  • Multiple sexual partners
  • Congenital urinary tract abnormalities.

Treatment Of Epididymitis :

The disease caused by bacterial infection will require at least two weeks of antibiotic treatment. The medications given can include doxycycline, azithromycin, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Cases caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis will be treated by anti-tuberculosis medications. General treatment includes bed rest, elevation of scrotum and application of ice. The elevation will raise the scrotal sac above the level of heart improving blood flow and aids in rapid healing. Intake of plenty of water is recommended. Other than these non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen can also be of assistance. If amiodarone is the suspected cause then adjustment of the drug dose is recommended. The severe cases with exaggerated symptoms such as intractable pain, vomiting, very high fever or overall severe illness may require hospital admission. Surgical removal of testis may be required as Epididymitis Treatment in complicated cases. In case of chronic illness treatment is mainly directed towards reducing the discomfort.

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